Enrich Your Health with Herbs and Mannual Therapies
Unani treatments encompass a wide range of therapies and modalities. Here are some of the commonly practiced types of Unani treatments:
Dr. Dharam Singh Saini, Ex-Hon’ble Minister of AYUSH, Govt. of UP
Presenting Memento to Dr. Mohammad Shahid Malik at
International Unani Forum Conference, Lucknow
Dr. Mohammad Shahid Malik MD, receiving Memento by Advisor Unani
& Advisor Ayurveda Ministry of AYUSH Govt. of India during Ist World Unani Congress, JMI, New Delhi
Dr. Mohammad Shahid Malik M.D delivered his lecture and hands on training at International Conference and Workshop on Manual Therapies at Tehran University of Medical Science, Iran
Receiving Memento and Certificate as a key note speaker and trainer
Dr. Harsh Vardhan
(Ex-Hon’ble Minister of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)
Presenting Hakim Ajmal Khan Global Award as Best Hijamah Practitioner in India
to Dr. Mohammad Shahid Malik at IICC, New Delhi
Certificate Distribution by Sh. Indra Vikram Singh, IAS, (DM Aligarh)
Dr. Nuzhat Akhtar Presenting Memento to the Sh. Indra Vikram Singh, IAS, (DM Aligarh)
Sh. Indra Vikram Singh, IAS, (DM Aligarh), graced the Inauguration Ceremony as the Chief Guest.
International Hkm Abul Qasim Zahrawi Award 2023 by All India Unani Tibbi Congress at Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi
Dr. Nuzhat Akhtar during National Workshop on Hijamah at JMI, New Delhi